Samantha (left) & Brittany (right)

This is what happens when you put us in front of a camera!!

-- Pre-Talk Show Conversation --
Is it recording?
Yes it is.
Then it's getting me picking my nose but that's okay...
*laughs* It doesn't look like it's getting both of us in the shot but oh well.
It looks slanted down.
Yes it does. And I wanted to be the camera person for a living.
And you slant the camera.
Yes, I slant the camera, and I have to put the music on.
*laughs* That's not loud enough. What if we want to talk about one of the songs?
We can still hear it, and we can still talk.
You drank all the grape juice already!
It's coffee.
Oh! Shh *whispers* It's coffee.
*whispers* Decaf.
She's drinking decaf. She likes decaf, I like regular.
Haruka likes black. *laughs* You're sad. Really sad.
You remembered that I told you.
I have to tease you about it now.
Teach me?
Tease you.
Oh, I thought you said 'teach.' Like what could you teach me? *laughs*
I can teach you everything you need to know about Hikari.
This is true.
Her shoe size is 9.
I don't even know Nao's shoe size. This is the pre-talk show conversation. This is on the bonus features on the DVD.
We have a DVD?
*stars singing Usagi Love Magic*
I can't hear it.
This is like my favorite song.
This is your favorite song on this CD?
This is one of my fave songs ever in Myu!
I don't care for it.
No? This is the most beautiful love song.
I have to make fun of you, that's my job.
Okay, stop talking about Yu-Gi-Oh. *looks at camera* She's teasing me because I like Yu-Gi-Oh, but she likes it too and she's always like *high-pitched voice* "Did you tape the episode?"
*points to the clock* It's gonna be on in an hour!
*claps* And we're stopping it in an hour so I can watch it.
Good 'cause there's not an hour of tape on there. *sways to Usagi Love Magic*
What's so special about this song? I don't get it.
It's so pretty! I love this song... Okay, we gotta start from the beginning...


Hi. This is the beginning of the VHS & DVD without the bonus features.
You know who we are *winks*
Anyway *points to coffee cup* this is my coffee.
But it's not really coffee, it's orange coffee and I have grape coffee but that's okay.
*sways to Usagi Love Magic*
I don't like this song.
I love it!
I mean I like it's just not doing it for me.
It doesn't do it for you? Oh it so does it for me. Anyway, we have to start way back and get Brittany's opinion on Black Lady.
I love Black Lady *laughs* No, really, it's cool I like it. My Hikari was in it a lot.
I think she stole the show in Black Lady.
But in the kaiteiban I really think she's on drugs. I mean, she sings Innocent Demand like "I TOUCH pure LOVE." It's too much emotion.
Nao gave her a little spike backstage.
Yeah, just a little.
*gets out BLK VHS* Here's my Black Lady Kaiteiban visual. I didn't have anything Black Lady except the program book which is up in my room safe and sound.
I have the one for Black Lady Kaiteiban!
I have six, seven including Ai no Sanctuary!
Shut up, nobody asked you.
I'm asking. My loyal fans are asking.
You don't have fans.
Yes I do.
You wish you had fans. I have more fans than you.
For what?
I don't know but I do.
Okay, first thing was the new songs and characters in Black Lady Kaiteiban. Which was Feel So Faraway, which was a redone Lonely Distance. I personally loved it.
*shakes head* It was a stupid mix of people. SailorMoon, Tux & Venus. Venus like ruined it. But I love *looks at Sam* Ayami?
Ayumi. You told me-
Ayami is Saturn. Ayumi is Venus.
You told me different...
Well I liked the song. I think Marina sounded really beautiful and she is just improving and improving.
Wait, you were the first person that when you first saw her you're like "Oh my god she sucks." I liked her right off the bat.
In Black Lady she did suck.
I had to get use to her voice but now I really like her.
I LOVE her voice now. She can't improve singing any more. She has the most beautiful voice.
Miyuki's better though.
Overall, yes, Miyuki is better, but I love Marina's voice now. In Black Lady she was like a robot.
She's 12!
Her dancing is good.
I don't know, I don't watch her.
She still needs to work on her acting. She has fake emotion. I mean, Miyuki was up there and like-
She shed a tear!
She shed a tear!
A REAL tear!
I was thinking about it yesterday and there has been like three people on the Myu stage that have shed real tears.
Anza. She had to have shed a tear somewhere.
I don't know, I don't really remember Anza.
She had to.
Well I was thinking Miyuki, Hikari, well, she got really close in Transylvania no Mori Kaiteiban when Lu-Fei was dying. And I hear in Mugen Gakuen every time Nao sings Destined Couple she cries.
It's not going to register to me that Nao's leaving until I either see the omake which will show the last day of Mugen Gakuen or when I see the picture of the new Uranus on Bandai's website and it'll be like "Oh my god."
When Nao's crying Sam's gonna be bawling. It's gonna be funny. The song will come on and she'll already be bawling.
Actually I didn't like Destined Couple at first.
*covers mouth in mock shock*
I expected it to be this slow love ballad for Haruka & Michiru and it's this sad, depressing song about, well, it's about them but... *Isei Nottori Keikaku gets loud* Miki, that is really annoying.
I hate this song.
I can't wait to see Miki as Kaolinite. I mean the green with Esmeraude was weird but now she's gonna be in all red.
It wasn't that bad.
Tomoe! I'm getting sick of Tomoe.
Tomoe's sexy *laughs*
He's mine. No, 'cause I'm Hotaru-chan. *high voice* Taru-chan! I can't like my own dad, I mean I can, I should, but not like that.
Chibi-Usa did.
*laughs while drinking*
I mean it's wrong but...
Wrong! That's vile.
Okay, we're going way out of order. Let's talk about Mr. Petz.
Let's not.
No comment.
It's a MAN! What else is there to say?
But let's talk about Apple Jack!
APPLE JACK!!!!!!!!!!
We love Apple Jack!
He better not leave. He better stay. He was on vacation.
Well Ryuji came back and he was off, on, off, on.. *Triangle Secret plays* I love this song!
*Both lip-sync song*
I'm really excited about seeing the Witches. I think they're gonna look really cool. *gasps* I heard Nao and Yuhka are in their Mugen uniforms! I didn't know if they would be.
What do you mean?
In S, Mugen Gakuen is the school that Haruka and Michiru go to so they wear those ugly school uniforms.
Oh, those ugly brown and green ones?
Those ugly brown and green ones.
And you're excited about this?
No, I was almost positive that they were going to keep them in their Stars outfits because in Black Lady it went back to do the R season but the Inners were still in their Stars fukus, so I thought even though they're going back again Haruka and Michiru would still wear the Stars school uniforms.
So instead of the cool Stars, they get to wear the butt-ugly S.. *sarcastically* That's an up!
I don't know, Nao-sama might look really good in it. So now I'm wondering if the Inners are going to be in their old fukus or are they still going to keep their Stars.
Well you are just going to have to wait.
I'm gonna be going to college and we won't be able to have these conversations, well we will but, we won't be able to go all Lord of the Rings crazy like we did last night.
*laughs* Let's just stay on Myu...
*faces camera* That's on our other DVD. Boromir has the hots for Legolas.
*whispers* But he's mine not hers, she thinks she gets him but-
He's mine.
Shut your-
He's mine!
He's MINE!!!!!!!
He likes me better. I'm closer to his age. Even though he's like 5 thousand...
Yeah, uh-huh..
Okay, Kenji singing Tuxedo Mission. He sounds really awesome.
Yeah, but he's not better than Yuuta.
I liked the two Yuuta's singing it. That was the best Tuxedo Mission.
You're in love with the man.
But you're in love with the song. This is Brittany's favorite Myu song.
Well except for all of Hikari-sama's but that's different. *sings and dances to Tuxedo Mission*
Okay, what else new was in Black Lady Kaiteiban? Rubeus!
NEW Innocent Demand!
Hey, something she likes to talk about..
I LIKE that song it's MY song!
I like it better than the first one. That is a really fun song to sing in your car! Get in your car, crank it up all the way..
I sang that song in front of my school! I sang a Japanese song in front of my American school and they're all like "JAPAN!"
That's definitely my fave song to sing.
Harsh! Saint Cry!! How could you forget that?
Yeah! I like both versions of Harsh Saint Cry but I kinda like the first one better, I don't know why. The first sounds more Latin and the second is like Spanish.
I'm more of a Latin fan than Spanish.
But we're not here to criticize other nationalities or anything so..
We love you all! Peace! I don't like how they say "Break the silence" in the first one on the CD. They drag it out and I don't like it. They have to say it fast. It sounds better.
The first Harsh Saint Cry is on Eternal Edition 2 which we got after Black Lady Kaiteiban. Mugen Gakuen is the first CD we got before the musical so we heard all the songs before seeing the musical. I hear all the songs are performed better in the musical though because they're in character and have more emotion and stuff.
Well, yeah..
And they brought back Mystery Sagashi because it's the 10th Anniversary musical. I always thought that was a weird song but I like it. It's cute.
Okay, off of Black Lady.
I want to talk about the Jupiter conspiracy that's going on here.
Go for it.
They had the same Jupiter for Black Lady and its kaiteiban.
*points to Jupiter on BLK VHS cover and puts her finger in her throat*
*laughs* Well I really like her singing voice, but not for Jupiter!
*squeaks* But I love you if you're watching! No offense but you're not a Jupiter!
No, but I still love her voice.
Do you really?
Yeah, especially in the Black Lady Kaiteiban FanKan in the Ginga TV song, she was the best singer.
Your Nao was in that song.
Okay she was the second best singer!
I don't like her at all... What about Aisha? I didn't see the point!
Yeah, she did the same thing Noel did in the first Black Lady. There was no point. Noel was cuter too. Aisha should have been one of the little Black Moon children.
New Black Lady. You can't top Mao.
I love how Shion sang Black Moon Signal in the FanKan because she added a little twist, but in the musical she tried to sing it how Mao did and, no..
Let's move on. I'm tired of Black Lady. *looks at camera* If I'm tired of it, you're tired of it.
*displays Ai no Sanctuary DVD* First Myu ever to be released on DVD.
*points to Sam* She doesn't know how to play DVDs on her computer!
Shut up. I got it working. I was playing it in the wrong program and I didn't know how to change the region.
Yeah, after 3 hours of panicking. You calling your friend to find out how to play it.
Well thanks to him we're going to Japan next summer!
*high five*
We love you! Except he made a joke that he didn't like Hikari. I'll kick that boy's butt..
Before this I didn't really like DVD because, well, first you gotta buy a DVD player, and they cost more than VHS, but then nothing I really cared about was ever released on DVD except the SM anime which I already had and I wasn't going to re-buy it 'cause I'd rather spend that money on Myu stuff and I'm talking really fast but that's okay! But then they only released Ai no Sanctuary on DVD so I had to get it and now I love DVD!
*Usagi to Yonnin no Zureru Omoi plays* Sam and I both love this song.
Yeah but Anza's version. That's definitely the best version.
I like Miyuki's version too.
I don't like that one compared to Anza's. I got use to Anza's version then I'm like "Wait, Miyuki sang this song too!" But then I listened to it and I was like "Eww.." But we love Miyuki. And we shouldn't say anything because my friend really loves Miyuki.
Well I really love Miyuki too. Okay, not love love I mean he's a guy I'm a girl so I'm not like-
I'm a girl and I'm in love with Nao so what's your point?
*gets up and walks away*
*sits back down*
She's just now walking away? I've been in love with an animated female for what, 4 years now? [Haruka]
Hey, I'm in love with an animated gay. Nuriko-sama! Sorry, wrong anime. [Fushigi Yuugi]
He's not gay he's bi.
Yeah, 'cause he likes me *winks*
So, I really like DVD now 'cause it has all the extra features and everything but the only bad thing is I can't take screenshots from it yet unless I have an external DVD player but that's okay because I'd rather have it on DVD.
I don't like DVD because I can't copy it!
She likes to copy all my Myu tapes.. I pay all this money for them and she pays practically nothing!
That's right.. *points to DVD* Hikari's awesome in this! She's got the big part, she steals this one too, she's the announcer, she is god!

Ai no Sanctuary is very very fun. The thing is, I usually don't like the comedy relief characters and scenes in musicals, but the wrestling match was great! Kenji, Ryuji and Apple Jack, it's great!

I still don't understand why Hikari has the brown streaks in her Demando wig.
Because Demando was killed in Black Lady and-
He, she, it, um, wasn't killed-
Yes he was!
No he wasn't!
Okay, okay, he was 'killed' then reincarnated as the announcer person then changed back into Demando so he was Demando but he wasn't..
And that was one heck of a quick change!
Chieko and Ayumi are leaving. I really like Ayumi.

I really like both of them.
Well, I like Chieko too but at first I didn't like her because she just looked funky and the wig was off and-
It's the teeth.
You never noticed her teeth?? She's got like eye teeth coming in and it's like..How can you not notice the woman's teeth? Has anyone else out there noticed her teeth? She needs braces..
Well Eri needed braces too and I love her I wish she'd come back.
Not as bad as Chieko!
Really? That bad?
I didn't like Chieko at first, then I got use to her and started liking her until the Black Lady FanKan. I think she just stole the show, she thought it was all about her

So did Ayumi and Megumi but that's okay she picks on the one she doesn't like!
I like Chieko, I was finally getting use to her, and now she leaves.
Now we got this really funky one... Oh! The Jupiter in the 10th Anniversary! She's related to Ado somehow!
Oh my God yes!! It's scary! She looks like her she talks like her. Like Shion! I swear she's related to Fumina! They look so much alike!

*displays Mugen Gakuen CD*
Before we go to that, I just want to say that there weren't any new songs in Ai no Sanctuary just redone songs. Brittany still hates Millennium.
*sticks finger in her throat*
I like the song I just think it's getting old.
Take Out a Sirius Mystery! Now that's a cool song 'cause my Hikari's in it! No, I like Kick Out a Bloody Mystery so..
*sings the end of Magus Collection then Sailor War plays*
Allow me. *gets up and changes the track*
Thank you. If there's one song in Myu I can't stand and I never have it's Sailor War. I've never liked that song. But anyway, we already talked about the new Mercury, and the new Jupiter, no one knows. First we had Karina who was in the FanKan and on the CD. I thought she really resembled Emi so I was like "Yes! Finally a good Jupiter!" Then she leaves. And now we have Mai. I hear she's good so we can only hope, but she's younger than Marina!
Emi was only 16 and she was taller than Nao without heels!!
Yeah, so, we've been commenting on the new songs along the way. *looks at Britt* The World Died Out!
*smiles* Taru-chaaa~n!!! That girl can sing!
Of course she's echoing through the whole thing but it sounds so awesome.
*sings* "The world died out.." *Broken Mobius plays* They cut out Saturn! What gives?? Just steal it Nao!
*smiles* She deserves it.
You're gonna get your butt kicked..
Anyway, new Venus. Oh my God she's so cute! I hope she's good. And if she's good I hope she sticks around. She's adorable. Um.. Megumi stayed. Kenji's leaving! He was in a whole three full-length Myus. I'm still in love with my Elf. But Kenji's so awesome.
He can do one-handed cartwheels with a cape!!!
They're not going to do anything for him though because Nao and Yuhka are leaving. So they're gonna do everything for them. *claps* But I wish they weren't leaving I wish they'd stay forever!
Hikari's not in this one which makes me kind of TICKED!
But don't worry she's coming back because if she left, trust me, they'd so something.
Yuuta! He left! They did squat for Yuuta!
Yeah! That's not fair. He's gotta come back for something. I have hope of him coming back.
I have hope but he's not going to.
Of course, his last one was when Miyuki left and when a Moon leaves.. *waves hands around* ..who cares who else leaves!! I hate that..
*both sing The World Died Out*
Okay, it's not going to be weird having a new Neptune because-
You're so mean to Yuhka..
Yuhka's been here for a long time, yes, but there's been like 5 other Neptunes before her. It's not going to be weird.
You hate her.
I do not! I like Yuhka!
You do not.
I do, but there's things I don't like about her, naturally.
You only partially like her because Nao likes her.
What? No.. Nao likes Hikari and I don't like Hikari so.. *laughs*
You have 5 seconds.
*sings* "The world died out..."
I like Hikari!!
You better. *looks at camera* All you better! If you don't...I know where you live.
Then you come across an anti-Hikari site..
Excuse me? There is no such thing!
It's going to be so weird having a new Uranus though. They better get someone tall, extremely good and Neptune and Uranus better have extremely good chemistry. If they don't.. If they lack even one of those things...
The world dies out.
